About Diana Walker
My PEMF journey began in May 2016.
About Diana Walker – I was introduced to PEMF (Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field Therapy) by my friend in Vancouver, BC, Canada, in May 2016.
* I had two 24-minute Regeneration Sessions on the Mat one day.
* I had two 24-minute Regeneration Sessions on the Mat the next day.
About Diana Walker – Regeneration and Relaxation
After 4 sessions, I felt like clouds lifted.
My brain felt clearer, and I felt more relaxed and joyful than I had in quite a while.
The results lasted for a week.
I was going through a stressful, anxious time in my life, despite my Holistic Health approach for over 40 years!
I was 68 years old.
I felt somewhat hopeless at that particular time.
My friend thought maybe the Swiss Bionic Omnium1 PEMF Mat would make a difference.
Diana’s Omnium1 PEMF OmniMat and OmniPad
When I returned to Salmon Arm after my vacation, I started to feel stressed, anxious, depressed again.
I phoned my friend to find out how I could buy my own Omnium1 PEMF OmniMat and OmniPad.
Now I use my OmniMat on Regeneration setting two times daily for 24 minutes each time.
We need to use the mat on a firm surface. Often on a Massage Table, or on the floor, on our Yoga Mat. Some people even use it over top of them in bed.
I use my OmniPad frequently for hours at a time.
I have my OmniPad behind me on my chair when I am working long hours on my computer daily (to combat Electrosmog)
More information on ElectroSmog here: https://myjoyfulhealth.com/pemf-electrosmog/
I feel Amazing!
The Swiss Bionic Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field Therapy has brought Joy, Peace and Balance into my life, and I am forever grateful.
If you would like to learn more, here is my PEMF-JOY newsletter: https://myjoyfulhealth.com/newsletter/
Learn more here: https://myjoyfulhealth.com/pemf-omnium1-mat/

“I have worked 5 to 10 hours daily on computers for over 30 years.
After several Omnium1 PEMF Mat sessions I noticed carpal tunnel was gone, and various joint pains disappeared.
I feel less stressed and anxious. I was having some depression and feelings of hopelessness in May 2016.
Within 2 days, I felt better!
I feel more inner joy, and more relaxed and balanced.
I am so grateful for the Swiss Bionic PEMF Omnium1 Mat and OmniPad.”
~~ Diana Walker, Salmon Arm, BC, Canada
You can even use your Swiss Bionic Omnium1 OmniMat in your hotel room, when you are travelling!
I take mine whenever I travel, and I often use it over me in the bed. Very Easy!
Diana Walker invites you to join her on her Blogs and Social Media:
- PEMF Mat https://myjoyfulhealth.com/blog/
- PEMF Omnium1 Mat http://pemf-joy.com
- Facebook PEMF Health https://www.facebook.com/PEMFHealth/
Where Can I Buy a PEMF Omnium1 Mat?
See prices for PEMF Omnium1 Mat here:
(Note: the OmniMat and OmniPad come together with the Android Tablet and accessories):