PEMF ElectroSmog ~~ I noticed that my ear would get Hot when I talked on my cell phone or wireless home phone. I noticed that my wrist would get very, very painful when typing on my computer – but really I have now discovered it was my Wireless Mouse that was causing the Pain! (Tip – get a Wired Mouse)

PEMF ElectroSmog
- Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field Therapy using the Omnium1 PEMF Mat is critical in helping to reverse the damages caused by ElectroSmog.
- The Mat uses the frequencies of nature, which relaxes you and puts you in balance – within 8 minutes!!
- The PEMF frequencies REVERSE the damaging, artificially produced electrical and magnetic frequencies.
I have personally been exposed intensely to ElectroSmog without knowing it for 30 or 40 years. I have worked on computers, often 10 hours a day, for decades. It’s amazing I haven’t had more cell damage based on the amount of ElectroMagnetic Pollution I have been exposed to.
Artificially produced, modern-day, Electrical and Magnetic Fields are deadly. PEMF is the answer!

PEMF Diagram-Wireless Radiation Sources (1)
Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field Therapy represents “good” electrical and magnetic fields, based on NASA studies and science.
Here is a video that explains ElectroSmog and the damage it can cause even on the level of our blood!
Video by Dr. Magda Havas, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.
(Start of summary of Video)
Blood on a slide. Under microscope, what I found – cells are round, some are separate and a few are sticking together. Overall, healthy-looking blood.
PEMF ElectroSmog — Computer ElectroSmog
I then worked on a computer for 70 minutes and looked at my blood again. This time the cells are sticking together like stacked coins. This is called Rouleaux formation.
DEFINITION: Rouleaux formation in a peripheral blood smear from a patient with plasma cell myeloma. Rouleaux (singular is rouleau) are stacks or aggregations of red blood cells (RBCs) which form because of the unique discoid shape of the cells in vertebrates.
Wireless/Cordless Phone ElectroSmog
Later that day I used a cordless phone for 10 minutes and looked at my blood again. This is what I saw: Very unhealthy looking blood. There are virtually no single cells. A doctor told me this is what she sees with cancer patients.
What I learned is that my blood goes into Rouleaux formation when I use a computer or a mobile phone. This type of clumping interferes with the release of oxygen and the removal of waste products like carbon dioxide.
Consequences: Poor circulation resulting in lower oxygen transport to cells and reduced waste removal.
Possible Symptoms:
* headaches and fatigue
* difficulty concentrating
* numbness, tingling and coldness of extremeties
* and possibility of heart and blood pressure problems, including risk of stroke.
(End of summary of Video)
PEMF and ElectroSmog – Opposites.
There is help with PEMF – Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field Therapy Mat – the Omnium1 Mat – Find out more
ElectroSmog is the invisible ElectroMagnetic radiation resulting from the use of both wireless technology and mains electricity. The most common sources of wireless ElectroSmog are:
- Phones (cordless)
- Baby alarms (cordless)
- Mobile/cellular phone masts/towers/transmitters
- Mobile/cellular phones
- Wireless networks
Electrosmog is responsible for a condition known as ElectroSensitivity (ES) or ElectroHypersensitivity (EHS). Symptoms include:
- Headaches
- Disruptive sleep patterns
- Chronic fatigue
- Depression
- Hypersensitivity and erratic blood pressure
- Skin complaints
- Behavioural patterns in children
Children, the elderly and anyone with a lowered immune system are most at risk from the health effects. The health effects from electrosmog can take 10 – 20 years to manifest themselves, however for some, the effect can appear immediately
Research shows that between 3% and 5% of the general population could be ES sufferers. In Sweden, for example, 285, 000 people (over 3% of the population) are registered as ES and claim disability benefit from the government.
Source: What is Electrosmog?
I have learned so much, and gained so much more Joy, Peace and Balance through having my Ommmmmmni Mat in my home. The technology is based on NASA Science, and pulses the healing frequencies of nature to us. I haven’t found anything like it.
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