PEMF Testimonial Chronic Back Pain
PEMF Testimonial Chronic Back Pain, Brain Fog, Insomnia – Diane Z’s Swiss Bionic Omnium1 PEMF Mat Testimonial.
NOTE: Be sure to watch Diane Z’s Video at the bottom of this page!
Hi my name is Diane Z in April/2018. I was invited to try the Omnium1 mat
As of June/2018 I am now a proud owner of the Omnium1 mat system and there is no way I’ll NEVER BE WITHOUT IT
I was a healthy person up until 2002.
Chronic Back Pain, Brain Fog and Sleepless Nights
I was in a car accident and ever since then I have been living with chronic back pain and brain fog and sleepless nights. I have never suffered pain like that ever.
* I was on all kinds of Medications
* Many Doctors Visits
* Physiotherapy
* Pain Management Classes
* Cortisone Shots which was so extremely painful
Nothing really worked for me and many side effects. I was very desperate to find relief. It was very hard to get through the day or night with out sleeping I was thinking how can I possibly live like this knowing it could be like this for the rest of my life.
It’s been 16 years now and I was just introduced to the Swiss Bionic Omnium1 PEMF OmniPad.
Well, not really believing this pad could help me, it was just another gimmick so I thought but my husband wanted me to try this to see if it could really help. Anyway so I tried it and at first I really didn’t notice top much but I went back for a few more treatments and then I had noticed …
* Hey! I was in less pain
* I also noticed I had no arthritis pain in my knee and hand and
* I could go into a very deep REM Sleep that I needed so desperately and
* now I was feeling better
WHAT is this? Is it really happening? I’m doing more! I’ve been in so much pain for so many years and nothing helped me. I couldn’t believe it but it was true. I kept up with the treatments.
PEMF Testimonial Chronic Back Pain – Gone! Off Medications! More Energy, Less Pain, “I Feel Like Dancing”!
39th Anniversary Gift of PEMF Omnium1 Mat, and OmniPad and OmniSpot
In total after approximately 7-8 treatments, my husband said this is something you need and it was our 39th anniversary in a few days so he ordered one for me. It is one of the best gift he could have bought me.
I wish I had this before I went in for back surgery in 2015. If I did, I would have never had the operation.
Now I’m not on any MEDICATION I have More Energy, Less Pain! “I Feel Like Dancing”!
I’m not completely pain-free yet but I’m working on it. At least I can say I can now live my life again. FANTASTIC! I can now enjoy doing more things with my husband that I missed for so many years and dog walking is also part of my life again.
There was one day my husband caught me cleaning windows! I was on top of the counter when he came into the kitchen and couldn’t believe what I was doing I was able to clean all my windows. Wow! how good I felt. It’s great to be able to get things done when you want to do them.
PEMF Testimonial Chronic Back Pain – Solution is the Omnium1 Mat
This mat offers so much more for your overall health if you’re suffering and you’re down and feel you’re at a dead end and need to find a SOLUTION and get your body back to a healthy state PLEASE TRY THIS OMNIUM1 MAT at least try it and see how you feel and then draw your own conclusion. You’re not going to be disappointed. See how it can enhance your health. You will see how you can get back to living your life again and you can use it anywhere. Take it with you to work or travel. It’s so portable. I’m so thankful to my husband and THANK YOU SWISS BIONIC FOR A SECOND CHANCE OF A MEDICATION/ALMOST PAIN FREE LIFE . Sincerely Diane AUG/18

From Diana Walker ~~ Thank you so very much, Diane Z, for this wonderful PEMF testimonial!
Here is a wonderful video with Diane Z, just 2 weeks after she started using the Swiss Bionic PEMF Omnium1 Mat.

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